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FPR 2007

These are pictures from the Florida Poly Retreat 2007. We are the only known poly retreat to feature Seige Weaponry! This year was a landmark retreat for us. We allowed the media to take a peek into the retreat! A few months prior, a reporter from Miami went "undercover" to the PolyCentral discussion group and videotaped the discussion, airing it on their evening news! The Florida poly community had many discussions over this event and it was generally decided that, since the media will go to whatever lengths necessary to get the story they want to get, it is in our best interest to invite them in on our terms and give them the story we want them to get. So we announced the presence of a reporter on one day, who was not allowed to record or interview anyone unless an individual approached her, and there was a Round Table Discussion where those interested in being interviewed sat down with the reporter and discussed poly issues. Plus, we had medieval weapons! I'm missing a bunch of those pics that I took, since I used Tacit's camera and he hasn't given me the copies yet. If you have trouble with the video clips, visit my YouTube account.

Click on the thumbnails below to see larger images. Please do not steal these images. If you wish to copy these images, show these images on your own website or link to mine, please ask permission first. Please let me know if your name is incorrect and/or you want a link to your website at your name, and I will fix it.

There was a neat-looking spider
outside the main hall
More of the spider
More of the spider
More of the spider
More of the spider
FPR Spider
More of the spider
Spider from the side
Spider from the side
FPR Spider
More of the spider
More of the spider
More of the spider
More of the spider
More of the spider
FPRPoi lessons
Poi lessons
Poi lessons
Melissa, Sterling, Laura, Smoocherie, & Datan0de
Poi lessons
Poi lessons
FPR Siege Weapons
Heil Tacit!
FPR Siege Weapons
Prepping for the Conflict Resolution Workshop
FPR Siege Weapons
I help too
FPR Siege Weapons
No other Poly Retreat
FPR Siege Weapons
features Siege Weapons!
FPR Siege Weapons
Tacit improves on last year's design
FPR Siege Weapons
with help from his archnemesis, Datan0de
FPR Portraits
Standing in for the Portrait Photographer to test his flash setup
FPR Siege Weapons
Back outside at the Conflict Resolution Workshop
FPR Siege Weapons
Putting the trebuchet together
FPR Siege Weapons
Putting the trebuchet together
FPR Siege Weapons
Making adjustments
FPR Siege Weapons
Launching stuff from the trebuchet
FPR Siege Weapons
Launching stuff from the trebuchet
FPR Siege Weapons
Launching stuff from the trebuchet
FPR Siege Weapons
Launching stuff from the trebuchet
FPR Siege Weapons
Launching stuff from the trebuchet

An early test

Test #2
FPR Siege Weapons
Launching stuff from the trebuchet
FPR Siege Weapons
Launching stuff from the trebuchet
FPR Siege Weapons
Launching stuff from the trebuchet

Still not quite right
FPR Siege Weapons
Datan0de launches stuff
FPR Siege Weapons
FPR Siege Weapons
Launching stuff from the trebuchet
FPR Siege Weapons
FPR Siege Weapons
Fire in the hole!

FPR Siege Weapons
Launching stuff from the trebuchet
FPR Siege Weapons
Me taking pics of launching stuff
FPR Siege Weapons
Chris takes a turn
FPR Siege Weapons
Watch your head!
FPR Siege Weapons
Launching stuff from the trebuchet
FPR Siege Weapons
Launching stuff from the trebuchet
FPR Siege Weapons
Launching stuff from the trebuchet

From the projectile's perspective (sound is not important - you might want to turn it down). The first minute or so is the camera being wrapped in padding, which we had to do while the camera was on since we couldn't turn it on after it was all wrapped up.
FPR Siege Weapons
It survived!
FPR Siege Weapons
Checking out the flying camera
FPR Siege Weapons
Watching the footage
spinning poi
Inside for more poi!
spinning poi
Outside for more poi!
spinning poi
Tacit spinning poi
spinning poi
spinning poi
spinning poi
spinning poi
FPR Bellydancing
"PolyTech" workshop with 8? laptops (5 showing)
FPR Siege Weapons
Nighttime trebuchet launching>
FPR Siege Weapons
Load up the trebuchet!
FPR Siege Weapons
using glowsticks so we can see where they end up
FPR Siege Weapons
Launching the trebuchet
FPR Bellydancing
FPR Siege Weapons
Courtesy of Silver Light Esoterica
FPR Siege Weapons
Proof that Tacit is evil!

The Inn Between © 2002